Everyone is excited to know about the photos we took on Saturday and about the availability of the DVD for June 8th performances. Here is the scoop....
-We have placed the order form of the DVD on our blog (below) feel free to print out and mail your order to us along with payment in either a check or money order. We expect to shart shipping the DVDs in 3 to 4 weeks on a first come first serve basis.
-For those that want to pay by Pay Pal, that is an option. Just send us an email so we can go through the details. We will still need an official order form.
The photos will be available for purchase on our website in the "PROOFING" category under GALLERIES. Right now that link is not active so don't panic! We expect to have the photos up within 2 weeks.
Thanks so much for an enjoyable weekend. If you have any questions please to not hesitate to call!
- Michael & Jaime Foster